Kölner Miniatum

Photos of the Kölner Miniatum

Kölner Miniatum

Availability: In stock

Produce gorgeous, mirror-finish illuminated manuscripts and parchments with Kölner Miniatum, available in stock today!

Kölner Miniatum - Yellow - 50ml

Ref: K10653515/50
Excl. VAT: £13.12 Incl. VAT: £15.74

Kölner Miniatum - Yellow - 500ml

Ref: K10653550
Excl. VAT: £91.58 Incl. VAT: £109.90

Kölner Miniatum - Clear - 50ml

Ref: K10603515/50
Excl. VAT: £13.12 Incl. VAT: £15.74

Kölner Miniatum - Clear - 500ml

Ref: K10603550
Excl. VAT: £91.58 Incl. VAT: £109.90
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