A drop or two of these Tinting Pigments is enough to transform transparent resin, giving it a darker, but still translucent, tint like a tinted window.
We highly recommend adding this product sparingly to your resin, any additives mixed into resin can affect it's properties so start off with a small amount before adding more if necessary. The Translucent Pigment Paste will create stronger, more opaque colours if you add more to the mix. However, bear in mind that thinner coatings will naturally appear lighter then deeper casts even using the same amount of pigment.
It is recommend to use no more than 1% or 2% addition of the pigment. When using Translucent Pigment Tint always ensure the resin mix is thoroughly mixed with the pigment before use. We highly recommend doing test samples before using the pigments in a project!
Available in 50ml screw top jars.